Board of Directors as of 9 October 2024

Melanie Gottlieb

Executive Director, AACRAO American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, USA  

Term of office: Oct 2024 - Oct 2028

Charmaine Hack

Vice-President, Strategic Enrolment Management, Centennial College, Canada  

Term of office: Oct 2024 - Oct 2026

Jelger de Boer

Immediate Past President
Accountmanager Registers, DUO, Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs, The Netherlands  

Term of office: Oct 2024 - Oct 2026

Meg Wenger

Senior Director of Information and Knowledge, ECE, Educational Credential Evaluators, USA  

Term of office: Oct 2024 - Oct 2027

Anthony Manahan

Director, Student Mobility, HES, Australia  

Term of office: Oct 2024 - Oct 2027


Koichi Nakasaki

Chief Research Officer, Institute for Future Engineering, Japan  

Term of office expires at the Annual Meeting 2025


Julie Reddy

Professor of Practice in Education, University of Johannesburg, South Africa  

Term of office expires at the Annual Meeting 2027

Shelby Stanfield

Administration, Foreign Credentials Service of America (FCSA), USA  

Term of office expires at the Annual Meeting 2027

Nadia Starr

CEO, SAQA, South African Qualifications Authority, South Africa  

Term of office expires at the Annual Meeting 2027

Beka Tavartkiladze

Beka Tavartkiladze

Senior Director, Global Education and Knowledge, World Education Services (WES), Canada  

Term of office expires at the Annual Meeting 2027

Portrait of Mr. Chen Wenjun (Edward)

Chen Wenjun (Edward)

Assistant Manager, International Promotion Department, CSSD, Center for Student Services and Development, Ministry of Education, P.R. China  

Term of office expires at the Annual Meeting 2025


Ayselin Yildiz

Professor, International Relations Istinye University , Turkiye  

Term of office expires at the Annual Meeting 2027

Executive Director

Election of Directors on the Board and Terms of Office

In the running up to an Annual GDN Meeting, the Immediate Past President will invite participants to submit nominations for  upcoming vacant board positions. A sub-committee of the Board, chaired by the Immediate Past President will present candidates for appointment as director for approval by the Board. The Board will preferably consider Founders, Patrons and Signatories who contribute financially to the Foundation and who contribute to a diverse Board, taking into account: data providers (e.g. institutions); data custodians (e.g. depositories); data owners (e.g. representative student bodies); international membership associations active in the field of education; geographic spread across the continents; and diversity and inclusivity of Board membership as a whole.

Board membership is held in a personal capacity and not representative of any organisation, directors acting in  the interests of the GDN alone. The Board consists of a minimum of seven and a maximum of twelve members, to be decided by the Board. Directors will serve from the date of appointment for a maximum of three years, after which they can be reappointed only once. The term of office for each board member is given in the listing above. Directors step down in accordance with a rotation schedule drawn up by the Board.


  • As of 20 December 2016, the GDN incorporated as a public benefit foundation with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce under registration number 67518613
  • As of 21 February 2018, the GDN is listed in the European Transparency Register under registration number 238535130318-52