We make Digital Student Data Portability happen.

Join us in San Diego!

We are happy to announce San Diego as the location of the 13th GDN Network Annual Meeting!

The event will be held Oct 7 to 9 in the Gaslamps district, a beautiful part of downtown San Diego.

Registration open!

Registration for the 2024 GDN Network Annual Meeting is now open!

Register soon to take advantage of our early bird discount

Thank you for joining us!

The GDN thanks you for joining us at the 12th Annual Meeting in Amman and Irbid, Jordan.

Become a Signatory

As a GDN Signatory, you will be able to access the videos in the GDN Video Library which includes recordings from past Annual Meetings and presentations.

Interested in becoming a GDN Signatory?

Already a Signatory? Have a look at the GDN Video Library

International Trust and Cooperation

The Groningen Declaration Network is an international, non-profit and voluntary network that supports academic and professional digital credential mobility so that citizens worldwide are able to consult and share their authentic educational data autonomously, with the expectation of fair recognition.  It does this by bringing together stakeholders from across the global Digital Student Data Ecosystem.

Join Us!

We build a network of like-minded organizations and people who see the potential of the Groningen Declaration. Get involved to further global human capital cross border mobility and make it happen.

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