7 October 2024

09:30-11:30 Cultural Program

12:00 – 13:00 Registration open at UC San Diego Park & Market 

13:00 – 16:45 Opening Plenary at UC San Diego Park & Market

18:00 – 20:00 Welcome reception at Sparks Gallery, meet new friends and reconnect with familiar faces from the GDN Community. 

8 October 2024

9:00am- 17:00 Conference plenary sessions and concurrent sessions @UC San Diego Park & MarketGuggenheim and breakout rooms

19:30 – 22:30 Annual Gala Dinner at Wine and Culinary Centre

9 October 2024

9:00am- 16:30 Conference plenary sessions and concurrent sessions @UC San Diego Park & MarketGuggenheim and breakout rooms

*This program is subject to changes, for the most up to date program check the full program.