President's Message
Dear colleagues,
At the threshold to the second decade of the twenty first century, I would like to share with you my best wishes for the upcoming festive season. I wish you relaxing times with your family, friends and beloved ones. May the new year treat us gently and bring us many good things.
One of those good things will be next year’s GDN Annual Meeting. As its third president and first female one, I would like you all to join us in Delhi, India, for our network’s Ninth Annual Meeting - 15 to 17 April 2020.
Today’s GDN Newsletter unveils a tip of what will unfold into an astounding meeting over the next few months. I am very pleased to see the ingredients needed to make a great conference lining up: sponsors, keynotes, session proposals and new signatories.
I am also very pleased about the logo that was adopted for our Ninth Annual Meeting: Using Innovation to Disrupt: Creating a Sustainable Digital eco-system for Learners. For those unaware of its Indian roots, let me explain.
The logo encapsulates the Indian concept of Trimurti: the Sacred Three and its derivatives, such as Mystical Nine, ultimately representing the One and leading into the concept of the Circle of Life: Destroy – Create – Preserve.
The logo stylises India’s national flower and bird - lotus flower and peacock - along with the colours of the Indian flag, representing India’s diverse unique entities that merge together for a common goal. The leaves of the lotus flower are symbolic for Birth (Create), Nurture (Sustain) and Destroy (Disrupt). Within it is contained the entire planet, with the focus being India, India’s global outlook and its worldwide networking. Woven into this whole are the shades of green, evoking a greener planet and the need for eco-friendly initiatives which the GDN has been advocating since its start.
Let me finish with the Indian Federal Government’s Three I’s Vision as an inspiration for all of us to strive for more Innovation, more Inclusion and more Integration.
Best wishes to you and looking very much forward to (re)connecting in India next April!
Amee Shroff, President, Groningen Declaration Network |