Declaration, Statutes, Strategic Goals and more
Six basic documents guide the Groningen Declaration Network in its developments and are expected to be abided by participants and prospective signatories. They were approved by the GDN participants during the Annual Participants’ Business Meeting of 26 April 2019 and passed by the notary public on 8 May 2019.
Mid-term Strategic goals, covering the period 2017-2022
At its Fall Board of Directors Meeting, October 2019, the Board of Directors decided on the following external and internal midterm strategic goals, covering the period 2019-2022
External goals
- The GDN is acknowledged for convening academic practitioner and consultative experts who are engaged in leading and informing the global adoption of strategies and tactics towards the realisation of a digital learner data ecosystem.
- The GDN will be the umbrella organisation with a critical mass of active participants to facilitate collaboration, engagement and synergies among regional and global organisations and initiatives for the purpose of leading and informing the global adoption of strategies and tactics towards the realisation of a digital learner ecosystem.
- The GDN Encourages inclusive and active participation from diverse sectors, regions and developing nations and other stakeholders. Consistent with this, the GDN cooperates with organisations and projects on all continents that align with the goal of advancing education and mobility and support the principles and goals of the GDN.
Internal goals
- Transition into a professionally managed not-for-profit organisation with a clear action plan.
- Achieve a position of resource sustainability.
- Assemble a constituency of expert volunteers, supported and overseen by a diverse, effective Board with defined responsibilities.